Virility Ex Reviews: Evaluation,Benefits,Results and Side Effect

Virility Ex Reviews
  • Availability
  • Price
  • Variety
  • Clinical Studies
  • Doctor Recommendations
  • User Reviews
  • Risk of Side Effects


There isn’t enough positive information to support a recommendation to buy and use Virility Ex. It’s not worth the risk of it not working for you because there are many other products on the market that do work and have plenty of positive user reviews to prove it. The makers and promoters of Virility Ex don’t seem to be putting that much energy into making sure you’re comfortable with  your purchase, beyond a trial. That said, a trial is a fair way to see if it’ll work for you. Overall, we give Virility Ex a Lacking rating and don’t recommend it.

With the massive variety of male enhancement supplements on the market, all virtually saying the same thing, how do you choose which is the best? Virility Ex is one of those supplements, ultimately designed to help you take your sexual performance to the next level. If you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction or other issues that make it difficult to perform, Virility Ex is intended to help. It’s also said to be for the average guy who may not necessarily have ED, but who wants a better erection so that he and his partner can enjoy a more satisfying sex life.

What is Virility Ex?

Virility Ex is called a “dietary supplement” on the packaging, but is really designed much more like a fast-acting sexual performance booster. It comes in a bottle of 60 pills, but you take it just before sex – as close as twenty minutes before! That’s probably one of the fastest-acting pills on the market, truly. If it works as intended, that would make Virility Ex rare. Most fast-acting supplements take 45 minutes to 60 minutes to work, and many have been recalled for containing the same active ingredient as is in Viagra.


Even though the directions say to take Virility Ex right before sex, the makers of the product don’t play up this fast-acting feature very much at all. In fact, the product seems vanilla and plain, and it’s hard to miss this mismatch of features and marketing. The manufacturers don’t even use the term fast-acting, but there’s no other way to describe a product that apparently works in twenty minutes (unless, of course, it really doesn’t work like that).


Virility Ex Benefits and Claims


The reality is that the makers of Virility Ex don’t make that many claims. If anything, it’s the absence of hyper-inflated claims about the product that make it different. The only claims are:


  • “Extra strength combination of ingredients”
  • “Support a man’s sexual health”
  • “Increase the strength and longevity of your erection to maximize pleasure”


On one hand, it’s a run of the mill that dietary supplement. “Support” is a really general term that doesn’t say much, so we will have to delve into the ingredients to see exactly what that would mean for Virility Ex.


It’s really unknown how this product ended up on the market since marketing is slim, the packaging is bland, ingredients are few, and promises are small. We can only really judge a product against the claims it makes – and there aren’t many made here.


What does virility mean? Virility is the word that defines a man’s sexual drive, prowess, and aggression level. The dictionary defines it as, “(in a man) the quality of having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive; manliness.” You should expect a product called Virility Ex to promote virility in a man – increasing sex drive, strength, and energy. In a sense, that’s what Virility Ex should be claiming. Since it really doesn’t, we’ll have to make those claims on the company’s behalf, because the other claims are just too general to really measure.


Complete Evaluation and Review of Virility Ex Pills


The reason reviews like this exist are because of products like Virility Ex. With so little to go on in terms of marketing, claims, and proof, we end up having to consider all kinds of factors in order to determine if it’s even worth trying out. No one wants to spend money on something that doesn’t work, or worse, could be harmful or toxic. It’s atypical for a male enhancement product to be advertised in such a mediocre way as Virility Ex is. So we have taken a complete, unbiased look at everything that should be considered before buying.


What we looked at:


  • Availability
  • Price
  • Variety
  • Clinical studies
  • Doctor recommendations
  • User reviews
  • Risks of side effects


Our results:


We’ve rated Virility Ex based on the above criteria, from 0 (Very Poor) to 5 (Excellent).


Ratings for Virility Ex Male enhancement pills
2 (Lacking) – Virility Ex is only available on its own website and on Alpha XR, and appears to sell out from time to time on Alpha XR. It’s unclear what the user base is like when companies restrict the purchase in that way. Still, this way allows better control and less of a likelihood of fraud or counterfeit product. We are giving Virility Ex a Lacking rating for Availability.
3 (Okay) – $55.00/bottle – Considering this is a fast-acting pill designed for use before sex and not as a daily supplement, $55/bottle is an okay price. Typically, fast-acting pills are sold upwards of $10 or even $12/dose. You can buy Virility Ex less than that on Amazon, or you can go with the free trial and let the company charge you after a certain amount of time has passed.
N/A – It’s not unusual for male enhancement products to lack variety, it’s just so much better when they have some. The variety criteria is not applicable here. While it doesn’t take away any points, having no variety doesn’t add any.
Clinical Studies
2 (Lacking) – There are no published clinical trials for Virility Ex. Additionally, the list of ingredients is short, and there aren’t tons of clinical trials for sexual performance on those ingredients, either. The company doesn’t link to any or promote any research, so we rate this criteria as Lacking rating for Virility Ex.
Doctor Recommendations
2 (Lacking) – Similar to clinical research, Virility Ex lacks any medical professional support by way of recommendations. The good and bad news is that the company doesn’t make any claims about doctor approval, which means they aren’t lying. Being trustworthy is better than not being trustworthy. We give Virility Ex a Lacking rating for doctor recommendations.
User Reviews
2 (Lacking) – There are some positive reviews – testimonials, really – on the company’s website. We don’t factor those in, because they’re not unbiased if the company is tweaking them and promoting them. Outside of the company website, unbiased reviews are either negative or non-existent. Like other, lesser known male enhancement products, there are some affiliates or paid reviews posted online, but we don’t consider those. We give Virility Ex a Lacking rating for user reviews.
Risk of Side Effects
3 (Okay) – The only positive benefit of having so few ingredients is that the risk of side effects will be limited by it. However, if the amounts of each ingredient are significant, that could be problematic. We give Virility Ex an Okay rating for the risk of side effects with the caveat that too much of one ingredient could be risky.
Overall Rating
2 (Lacking) – Overall, Virility Ex is lacking a lot of the things that make products like this worthwhile. It doesn’t have particularly compelling ingredients, and the company seems to lack a clear vision of how Virility Ex really helps. The only real pro is that you can try it out for a few days and because it’s supposed to work within 20 minutes you’ll know right away if it’s the right product for you.


Pros and Cons of Virility Ex Pills


Here are our Virility Ex pros and cons, based on user reviews and manufacturer’s description of the product.




  • Free trial
  • Simple ingredients
  • Moderately priced


Cons/Potential Issues


  • Little information about the product or manufacturer
  • Lack of clinical trials
  • Lack of doctor recommendations
  • Not widely available
  • Few positive user reviews

Results and effects of Virility Ex Pills


As stated earlier, the reviews on Virility Ex are either non-existent, or poor. Not many users have great things to say about it. The company posts a handful of testimonials with what seem like canned images of customers. It’s hard to say if they’re real or not. Based on other sites, the reviews of Virility Ex are not encouraging.


Here’s what customers are saying:


  • “I saw no difference”
  • “Did not offer anything for me”
  • “Did not work at all. False advertising.”


Then, there are some reviews which go into tons of detail or personal stories, which may or may not be accurate. Our main concern is this: Does Virility Ex do what it says it will do?


That’s hard to say because it doesn’t say much at all. Virility is difficult to measure – it’s more of a feeling or attitude than anything. We did find some evidence that the product works for some men. Clearly it doesn’t work for everyone.


From what we can tell, the difference in whether or not Virility Ex “works” is largely going to depend on the reason for taking it. Keeping in mind that the directions say to take Virility Ex before sex, leading us to believe that it will probably result in increased sex drive and libido, an intense orgasm, and hopefully a stronger, firmer erection. Unless it does all of those things, it’s not worth it. That’s probably why so many people say it doesn’t work.


What makes Virility Ex work?


What should make Virility Ex work is the combination of ingredients listed below. Together, the ingredients should result in a stronger, better flow of blood to the penis and corpus cavernosum along with an increase in libido. All together, you should definitely want to have sex – you should notice that your sex drive is powerful, and possibly long lasting, too.


Virility Ex Ingredients:


  • Zinc – One of the reasons makers of male enhancement pills like Virility Ex include Zinc is because a Zinc deficiency is linked to erectile dysfunction. It should be noted that not everyone with a Zinc deficiency has erectile dysfunction, and not everyone with ED has a Zinc deficiency, either. It’s just common. So including it here helps only in those circumstances.
  • Selenium – Selenium is an antioxidant. Antioxidants work in a few ways in sexual performance boosters. One way they help is by promoting a healthy, strong immune system. Another way it helps is by reducing inflammation – if there is any inflammation that is preventing blood flow, selenium should help. Primarily, though, selenium improves blood flow, which is the most likely reason it’s included in male enhancement supplements.
  • Korean Ginseng– Korean Red Ginseng is very common in fast-acting supplements. It has been used for many years to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction, though the FDA hasn’t approved it for that reason. Korean Red Ginseng is a supplement that provides energy and acts as a stimulant.
  • Saw Palmetto– Saw palmetto is another natural supplement that’s commonly used in male sexual performance pills, though it is also linked with potential side effects. Its use is somewhat controversial, as some users complain that taking saw palmetto for reasons unrelated to erectile dysfunction has actually caused erectile dysfunction. Saw palmetto is known for boosting testosterone and sex drive.
  • Beta Sitosterol– Beta Sitosterol is a natural plant substance that is linked with increasing sexual activity/sex drive. It’s associated with some mild side effects, though.



Is Virility Ex safe to use?


In moderate amounts, the ingredients in Virility Ex is safe to use. There are always things to watch out for with natural supplements, such as allergens.


Virility Ex Side effects and contraindications


Some of the ingredients in Virility Ex are known to cause side effects. The side effects of Beta Sitosterol, according to WebMD, include “nausea, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.” Side effects of saw palmetto include “dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea.” The side effects are reported as mild, so the best thing to do is probably to take a dose and see how you react to it.


Where to Buy Virility Ex


You can only buy Virility Ex from Amazon, Pacific Foods, and The main site is the best place to buy it, and the only recommended place since the company has stated that it doesn’t allow reselling. Things always change, but the risk of counterfeit product is always high. Sometimes, the reason products don’t work is not because they are low-quality, but because they are counterfeit or placebo. It’s worthwhile to take the time and care to purchase it from a reputable place.