Black Mamba Pill Review: Evaluation,Benefits,Results and Side Effects

Black Mamba Pill Review 2017
  • Availability
  • Price
  • Variety
  • Clinical Studies
  • Doctor Recommendations
  • User Reviews
  • Risk of Side Effects


Black Mamba pill offer something a lot of male enhancement pills don’t: an incredibly strong erection that comes on quickly, and the effects of the single dose lasts for several days. This can be great for going on a vacation or any other situation where you would like to have an immensely satisfying sexual experience, and don’t want to be bothered by premature ejaculation or a soft erection. But the potential for side effects are very high with this potent supplement. The good news is that all of the ingredients are safe individually, and so the real question is just whether or not you can handle the power of the supplement, and if the side effects are worth it in the end. We rate Black Mamba male enhancement pills as Okay/Acceptable. There are not very serious, obvious risks associated with it, but there is enough gray area to keep us from giving it a very favorable rating.

Black Mamba pills are extremely potent, long lasting sexual performance enhancing pills for men. Made by a company called MaxVix and produced in the United States by SX Power Co, Black Mamba and the many variations of this pill are some of the strongest male enhancement pills on the market today. According to the manufacturer, a single dose of a Black Mamba pill can be effective for up to 7 days, making this one of the most potent over the counter supplements you can buy.

According to the packaging, Black Mamba male enhancement pills were designed by a doctor (more on that later in this review). They are all-natural, using a combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and sexual performance boosting herbs and extracts.

Black Mamba pills are available in many different doses, from a single pill that lasts 7 days to several packs of one or five pills. These are available in bulk for wholesalers.

Black Mamba Benefits and Claims

According to users and the company who makes them, Black Mamba pills are fast acting – and long lasting. Some users report the pill working in just thirty minutes, while the manufacturer and others say to take it about an hour before having sex. Sixty to thirty minutes prior to sex for a male enhancement pill would definitely be considered fast acting. But what makes Black Mamba different is how long lasting the pill claims to be.

Complete Evaluation and Review of Black Mamba Pills

This is a complete review of Black Mamba male enhancement pills based on user reviews, research on the product and/or its ingredients, and information that the company who makes it provides. We look at a number of factors, including pricing and availability. A complete review will help you determine if the product is right for you, based on the things that most important to you.

What we looked at:

  • Availability
  • Price
  • Variety
  • Clinical studies
  • Doctor recommendations
  • User reviews
  • Risks of side effects

Our results:

We’ve rated Black Mamba based on the above criteria, from 0 (Very Poor) to 5 (Excellent).

Ratings for Black Mamba Pill
4 (Good) – Black Mamba pill are very widely available. You can purchase any one of the varieties (Premium, 7K Extreme 10000, Triple Green, and more) online at several retailers including Amazon and eBay. Because there are so many varieties, you should easily be able to find one just about anywhere online that sells sexual performance supplements.

The reason for the Good vs Excellent rating here is that many retailers have certain versions of the product Sold Out, so you might have to visit a few different sites to get the exact variety you want.

3 (Okay) – Pricing for Black Mamba ranges pretty widely. Prices range from $14.99 for a 4 pack to $31.00 for a 5 pack. You can also buy it in single doses ranging around $10. It really depends on the specific version. Black 7K Extreme 10000 appears to be the most expensive of the different products.
3 (Okay) – As stated earlier, Black Mamba Pill is basically a group of pills with many different kinds of products in the group. However, this gets a Good instead of Excellent rating, because there really isn’t much difference in any of the varieties aside from the names. Several of the varieties are now discontinued, too.
Clinical Studies
1 (Poor) – So far, no clinical studies for Black Mamba – any of the varieties – are found. This is common for sexual performance supplements that are available over the counter. Still, because there aren’t studies, the claims can’t really be proven outside of user reviews.
Doctor Recommendations
2 (Lacking) – The company does claim that the products are designed by a doctor. But, the company doesn’t publicly promote the doctor or make his or her claims easily available. We can give the company some benefit of the doubt since many users support this product’s claims, but have to rate this one as Lacking for now.
User Reviews
3 (Okay) – Several user reviews indicate that Black Mamba male enhancement pills work as designed. There are other supplements out there with more positive reviews than Black Mamba, but there are enough for us to rate Black Mamba okay for this criteria.
Risk of Side Effects
3 (Okay) – Due to the high potency and lack of ingredients intended to subdue side effects, this gets an Okay rating. The company does not claim no side effects, either.
Overall Rating
3 (Okay) – Black Mamba Pill gets an overall rating of Okay, bordering on acceptable due to risk factors and lack of support for claims.


Pros and Cons of Black Mamba Pills

Here are our Black Mamba male enhancement Pills pros and cons, based on user reviews and manufacturer’s description of the product.


  • Long lasting
  • Very potent/powerful
  • Natural, not synthetic
  • Affordable

Cons/Potential Issues

  • No clinical studies found
  • No public or published doctor recommendations
  • Mixed reviews by users
  • May not work as intended

Results and effects of Black Mamba Pills

Black Mamba male enhancement pills are like many other widely available, over the counter sexual performance enhancing dietary supplements. These pills help improve sexual performance by supporting strong, long lasting erections for longer sexual intercourse. They also typically result in a larger erection – both in length and thickness – and improve many other functions including semen and ejaculate production, sperm count, and lidibo. These pills are taken as needed in order to immediately help boost the sexual experience.

A serving size of most Black Mamba pill is one capsule, and the doses vary depending on which product you purchase. Either way, the manufacturer does warn users not to take more than one pill within 60 hours. The reason for that is probably because Black Mamba lasts up to 7 days.

Like most enhancement pills, the most important claim that Black Mamba makes is a longer erection. This supports a more satisfying sex life by eliminating the risks of premature ejaculation – an embarrassing condition most men would like to avoid – and soft erections.

What makes Black Mamba Pill work?

Male enhancement pills work in a few ways. The first way is by opening up the vascular system and allowing blood to flow more freely to the penis and surrounding areas. The ingredients stimulate, improve, and support the circulatory and central nervous system, also. In general, Black Mamba male enhancement pills rely on the positive side effects of natural herbs and other natural sources to stimulate the reproductive system and help it function as designed.

But male enhancement pills vary greatly, depending on their key ingredients. The doses of each ingredient as well as any hidden ingredients can dramatically change the effects. Here are the key ingredients in Black Mamba Pill. Like other supplements, this is a “proprietary” blend, according to the manufacturer, and so the exact amounts of these ingredients isn’t known. Additionally, the source of the ingredients isn’t known.

  • Lycopene: Lycopene is an antioxidant. Male enhancement pills often contain several forms of antioxidants like lycopene. Lycopene, especially, is known for having properties that improve the health of the prostate, and that may be one reason it’s so prominent in Black Mamba Pill. There is plenty of statistical evidence of its ability to support prostate health, so this is one way Black Mamba can claim some clinical support.
  • Tribulus Terestris:Tribulus is an herb known for boosting libido and increasing vitality. It is also known for improving testosterone levels. It can be purchased on its own from known retailers like GNC.
  • Yohimbe:Yohimbe is an herb known for its treatment of erectile dysfunction and the issues that can cause.
  • L-Arginine: L-Arginine is an amino acid that the body needs to support the cardiovascular system. Taking it is supposed to increase blood flow and improve circulation. This is critical is a male enhancement pill, since it works largely due to increased blood flow to the penis. But many enhancement pills do not have L-Arginine, so this makes Black Mamba Pill somewhat unique.
  • Damiana Leaf: Damiana leaf is a well-known libido boosting aphrodisiac. It’s an herb that can be purchased in pill or powder variations on its own, and you can also use it to make a tea.
  • Guarana: Guarana is traditionally used as a stimulant, known for aiding in weight loss and physical fitness. It’s also a natural energy booster. It may be the ingredient in Black Mamba Pill that causes the very fast action.
  • Maca: Maca root is known for its use in fertility in both men and women. In men, studies have shown that Maca as a supplement can increase sperm count and motility.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is known for improving blood flow and circulation, which is most likely why it is an ingredient in Black Mamba.
  • Vitamin B12: Studies of B12 taken by men who had moderate erectile dysfunction showed that the vitamin helped men maintain an erection longer. B12 can reverse some of the damage that causes limp or weak erections and is also an energy supplement, known for boosting mood.
  • Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 may help alleviate some of the conditions associated with erectile dysfunction. A study of erectile dysfunction indicated that men with it tend to have abnormally low levels of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is also known for supporting cardiovascular health, and a deficiency in this vitamin causes low testosterone.
  • Zinc Oxide: A trace mineral found in the body. Zinc oxide is known for its support of men’s sexual health and fighting erectile dysfunction issues.

Is Black Mamba Pill safe to use?

All of the ingredients in Black Mamba Pill are safe on their own. Some of the ingredients, like Vitamin C, are not harmful even in very large quantities. But due to a lack of any clinical studies, we can’t say that it is definitely safe to use or unsafe to use. There are plenty of clinical studies for the ingredients within the products. Whether the combinations of the ingredients are safe is somewhat unknown. Reasonably, though, we can see from user reviews that the product is safe to use when used as directed.

Side effects and contraindications for Black Mamba

The side effects of Black Mamba Pill are the biggest risk factors with the products. Users report having big headaches that do not go away even after a reasonable amount of time. This is likely due to the ingredients that create a rush of blood supply to the genitals and/or ingredients that alter the mind and alleviate the mood.

Where to Buy Black Mamba male enhancement Pills

Black Mamba male enhancement pills of all variations are carried in some convenience stores, but it would be difficult to list out specific ones since retailers can change their product options at any time. Online, you can find Black Mamba pills in the following places.

Please note, however, that Black Mamba pills have a variety of names. Some of the names you might see include: Black Mamba 7000 Premium, White Mamba Premium, Red Mamba Premium, and Triple Green New Black Mamba.

  • Alpha XR (Not sold by Amazon but by resellers in the Amazon marketplace)